Influence of Female Reproductive Cycle and Menopause on Cervicovaginal Tissue Susceptibility to HIV-1 Infections and Tenofovir 1% Gel Activity

Brief description: Purpose of the study is to assess tenofovir (TFV) PK and PD endpoints, cervicovaginal safety parameters, susceptibility to HIV-1 infection, and objective measures of vaginal applicator use in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

Detailed description: Premenopausal women: Baseline blood and genital samples will be taken in the follicular and luteal phase (visits 2 and 3). The participant will be given TFV gel and instructed to insert two doses, separated by 2 hours, and return to the clinic 3 hours after the second insertion for blood and genital samples (visits 4/4a and 5/5a). Postmenopausal women: Premenopausal women: Baseline blood and genital samples will be taken (visit 2). The participant will be given TFV gel and instructed to insert two doses, separated by 2 hours, and return to the clinic 3 hours after the second insertion for blood and genital samples (visit 3/3a). Estradiol cream will be distributed at visit 4. Post estradiol blood and genital samples will be taken at Visit 5. The participant will given TFV gel and instructed to insert 2 doses as before, while continuing to use the estradiol cream. Post TFV gel and estradiol cream blood and genital samples will be taken (visit 6/6a).

date/time interval

  • September 1, 2013 - October 1, 2014