Researchers@EVMS Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find out more about the website?

Basic Instructions, Features, and Introductory Videos are avalable on the Researchers@EVMS Information Page.

For Site Visitors

What is the Researchers@EVMS website?

Researchers@EVMS is powered by VIVO, an open-source software platform developed by Cornell as part of an NIH grant. It is used to highlight research accomplishments and promote research collaboration by gathering various research-related information and using the metadata it contains to create and display visualizations that highlight the scientific disciplines involved in, as well as the institutional co-author relationships resulting from, a given researcher’s work.

Why might I want to use the Researchers@EVMS site?

What are some important things to know about the information contained in the researcher profiles and the Researchers@EVMS site in general?

What are some good ways to find an EVMS research collaborator or mentor?

For EVMS Researchers

What is the Researchers@EVMS website?

Researchers@EVMS is powered by VIVO, an open-source software platform developed by Cornell as part of an NIH grant. It is used to highlight research accomplishments and promote research collaboration by gathering various research-related information and using the metadata it contains to create and display visualizations that highlight the scientific disciplines involved in, as well as the institutional co-author relationships resulting from, a given researcher’s work.

What are some of the intended uses for the Researcher@EVMS website?

Who is included in Researchers@EVMS?

At this time, Researchers@EVMS includes full-time EVMS faculty that are involved in research. If you are a full-time faculty member involved in research but were not included, and would like to be, please send a request to

If I don’t have a profile, how can I get one?

If you are a full-time faculty member involved in research, send a profile request to

Where does my profile information come from?

There are two sources of profile information: automatic and faculty-provided. The automatically-sourced information includes information pulled from publications in the Web of Science and PubMed platforms. The remaining profile information is provided by faculty directly.

How often are the profiles updated?

The Researchers@EVMS website project is still in its infancy, so processes are still being worked out. It is thought that initially, the profiles will likely be updated at least semi-annually, possibly becoming more frequent in the coming years.

Why aren’t all of my publications listed on my profile?

What do I do if I see errors or omissions on my profile? How do I edit my profile?

At this time, all profile edits are managed by the Office of Research. If you notice errors or omissions, please send a notice to and we will follow-up with additional instructions. Note: If there are publications that the automatic process missed, we can only add those to your profile using the publication’s DOI or PubMedID. Prior to requesting a profile edit, please be sure the missing publication has a DOI or PubMedID.