
  • I completed OB/GYN residency at The George Washington University Hospital. I then moved to Louisville, KY to complete an AAGL (American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists) Accredited fellowship which was 2 years long. This was a fellowship centered around minimally invasive gynecologic surgery and included a research requirement along with clinical duties. This allowed me to become more focused on Gynecology and thus I no longer practice obstetrics. I am able to dedicate more time and attention to fibroid uteri, pelvic pain, and complex surgeries pertaining to the female reproductive system. I started at EVMS in the fall of 2018.

selected publications

research overview

  • Clinical research projects involving minimally invasive gynecologic surgery such as fibroids, large ovarian cysts, endometriosis and pelvic pain. I am also interested in research pertaining to resident and med student education.

preferred title

  • Assistant Professor of Gynecology

full name

  • Traci E. Ito, MD


Recent publications and grants in Researchers@EVMS