
  • Dr. Derkay has been a leader in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Otolaryngology and Surgery throughout his career. He has served as President of the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, the Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children and the Virginia Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. He has also served as Chairman of the American Academy of Otolaryngology's Pediatric Otolaryngology committee, the American College of Surgeons' Otolaryngology Advisory Council and currently serves as the Governor for the Virginia ACS Chapter and as Secretary of the AMA Delegation for the AAO-HNS. He is a Senior Examiner for the American Board of Otolaryngology and serves on the Steering Committee for the ACS' Children's Surgical Verification program.

    Dr. Derkay is the President of the EVMS Faculty Senate and Chairs the EVMS Emeritus Faculty Committee.He is the Fine Endowed Professor of Otolaryngology and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery.

selected publications

research overview

  • Dr. Derkay has been involved in HPV-related recurrent respiratory papillomatosis research throughout his academic career. He currently is the PI on two CDC-funded national studies looking at the effects of the HPV vaccine on lowering the incidence of RRP in the US. He collaborates with CDC scientists and colleagues at 25 other Children's hospitals in the US on this project. He also is funded by industry to look at the risk for practitioners for contracting this disorder and the potential for vaccinating this older cohort.

    Dr. Derkay has also been extensively involved in looking at reducing morbidity and mortality from adenotonsillar surgery in children by using less invasive surgical techniques and adjuvant medications.

preferred title

  • Vice-chairman

full name

  • Craig S. Derkay, MD


Recent publications and grants in Researchers@EVMS