Forgacs-Lonart, Eva



  • Education

    Postdoctoral Fellowship, EVMS, Department of Physiological Sciences, Norfolk VA 2003-2006

    PhD Eotvos University and National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary 2003

    M.S. Eotvos University, Faculty of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary 1984


    2015- Associate Professor, Eastern Virginia Medical School Department of Physiological Sciences

    2009 - 2015 Assistant Professor, Eastern Virginia Medical School Department of Physiological Sciences

    2006 - 2009 Research Assistant Professor, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Department of Physiological Sciences

    2003 - 2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Department of Physiological Sciences

    2001 - 2003 Research Associate, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology

    1996 - 2000 Research Associate, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology

    1990-1996 Research Assistant, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Texas

    Current Funding

    NIH/NHLBI RO1 (MultiPI grant/) Structural, Biochemical, and Mechanical Effects of Myosin Cardiomyopathy Mutations (PI: Eva Forgacs). 07/01/2016 - 04/30/2021

    NIH/NIGMS R15: Myosin XIX and the Molecular Mechansim of Actin-based Mitochondrial Organization (Co-Investigator/EVMS PI). 08/11/2016 - 07/31/2020

    Completed Funding

    NIH/NHLBI R56 Structure and Mechanism of Cardiomyopathy Myosin Mutants (PI: Eva Forgacs). 09/01/2014-08/31/2016

    EVMS Bridge Grant (PI: Eva Forgacs). Structure and Mechanism of Cardiomyopathy Myosin Mutants ($22,320 direct cost)

    American Heart Association Beginning Grant In Aid (PI: Eva Forgacs). The Impact of Cardiomyopathy Mutations on the Human β-Cardiac Myosin Motor Function. 07/01/2012-06/30/2014.

    Jeffress Memorial Trust Award (PI: Eva Forgacs). Molecular Mechanism of Cardiomyopathies. 12/31/2011-06/30/2012

    NIH/NIDCD RO3 (PI: Eva Forgacs). The Effect Of Deafness Associated Mutations on MyosinVIIA Function. 05/01/2008-4/30/12

    NIH/NIDCD RO3 (PI: Eva Forgacs). The Effect Of Deafness Associated Mutations on MyosinVIIA Function. 07/17/2009 - 6/30/09

selected publications

research overview

  • I have completed extensive research on myosin, a motor protein that helps muscles move, and received grants from the NIH and the American Heart Association. I am investigating how cardiomyopathy mutations alter the ATPase enzyme mechanism and how different pharmacological agents affect the chemomechanical cycle. I am also interested in non-muscle myosins specifically myosinXIX that is a motor protein responsible for the transport of mitochondria in the cell.

preferred title

  • Associate Professor

full name

  • Eva Forgacs-Lonart, PhD


Recent publications and grants in Researchers@EVMS