England, Kelli J.
- Professor and Director of Community Health and Research, Pediatrics
Contact Info
selected publications
2021Development of a Risk Behavior Diagnosis Scale for E-cigarette Use. American Journal of Health Behavior. 45:342-351.Full Text via DOI: 10.5993/ajhb.45.2.13
2019Vaping Expectancies: A Qualitative Study among Young Adult Nonusers, Smokers, Vapers, and Dual Users. SUBSTANCE ABUSE-RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 13.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/1178221819866210 PMID: 31456638
2019The American Academy of Health Behavior 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting: "Theory and Applications of Multiple Health Behavior Change". Health Behavior Research. 2.Full Text via DOI: 10.4148/2572-1836.1048
2018Powerful New Video Persuades Parents to Keep Kids in Booster Seats. Virginia Pediatrics, Summer 2018.
2018The American Academy of Health Behavior 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting: "An Equity Approach to Health Behavior Innovations". Health Behavior Research. 1.Full Text via DOI: 10.4148/2572-1836.1018
2017Evaluation of a participative education process for increasing tween restraint use in Virginia: The Make it Click initiative. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 45:54-64.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2016.11.013
2017The American Academy of Health Behavior 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting: "Health Behavior Research in the Age of Personalized Medicine". Health Behavior Research. 1.Full Text via DOI: 10.4148/2572-1836.1006
2016The impact of adolescent exposure to medical marijuana laws on high school completion, college enrollment and college degree completion. DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE. 168:320-327.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.09.002 PMID: 27742490
2016Actively caring for our children. Applied Psychology. Ed. Geller, E S. Cambridge University Press (CUP).
2015How Should We Ethically Justify Alcohol Warning Labels? Thinking More Broadly About Risk, Benefit, and Efficacy. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS. 20-22.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2014.998381 PMID: 25786007
2015Effectiveness of child passenger safety information for the safe transportation of children. Traffic Safety Facts Research Note.
2015Examining the relative effectiveness of different message framing strategies for child passenger safety: Recommendations for increased comprehension and compliance. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 79:170-181.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.03.008
2013Tweens at risk: Examining car safety practices in four economically disadvantaged urban elementary schools in Virginia. Journal of Safety Research. 46:77-82.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2013.04.004
2012Challenges and Opportunities for Promoting Booster Seat Use. HEALTH PROMOTION PRACTICE. 13:772-778.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/1524839910393279
2011Alcohol-impaired driving. Handbook of Traffic Psychology. Ed. Porter, B.
2011Tweens at Risk: Examining Car Safety Practices at Four Low-Income, Predominantly Black Elementary Schools. Proceedings and abstracts of the 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Health Behavior.
2011Young children and tweens. Handbook of Traffic Psychology. Ed. Porter, B. Academic Press.
2010A behavioral observation study of Turkish drivers' and children's safety belt use. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences.
2010Development and evaluation of a school-based transportation safety program for "tweens". Proceedings and abstracts of the 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Health Behavior, February 2010, Clearwater Beach, Florida..
2010Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination of a High-threat Message to Increase Booster Seat Use.. Proceedings and abstracts of the annual Lifesavers Conference, April 2010, Philadelphia, PA..
2010Participative Education vs. Media + Enforcement Programming: Which Approach Leads to Longer-lasting Increases in Tweens' Safety Belt Use?. Proceedings and abstracts of the annual Lifesavers Conference, April 2010, Philadelphia, PA..
2010Preparing public school personnel to effectively respond to a large-scale crisis: Evaluation of an emergency management training. Journal of Emergency Management.
2010Reinforcing Alcohol Prevention (RAP) Program: A secondary school curriculum to combat underage drinking and impaired driving. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education.
2009Evaluation of The Boost 'em in the Back Seat Program: Using fear and efficacy to increase booster seat use. Accident Analysis & Prevention.
2009Measuring injury risk perceptions: Feasibility of a risk estimation scale. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH BEHAVIOR.
2008Challenges and opportunities for promoting booster seat use: Incorporating social marketing and high-threat messaging.. Proceedings and abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Washington, DC.
2008Effects of Virginia's booster seat law on children's restraint use. Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Research Exposition.
2008Science and policy to reduce red light running: A traffic psychology success story to highlight the importance of affecting debates for public safety. Proceedings and abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Washington, DC.
2008Targeting "tweens": Increasing safety belt use among a forgotten age group. Proceedings and abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Washington, DC.
2008Targeting Underage Drinking and Driving in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts: The Reinforcing Alcohol Prevention (RAP) Program. Juvenile and Family Court Journal.
2007Scared straight or running scared? Proper use of fear tactics in public health interventions. http://www.homesafetycouncil.org.
2007Using Fear and Efficacy to Increase Booster Seat Use: A Field Test of a High-Threat Message. Proceedings of the 2007 Research Exposition: 400 Years of Discovery.
2006Large-scale prevention of alcohol-impaired driving: A review. Advances in Psychology Research.
2006Reinforcing Alcohol Prevention (RAP) Program: Taking Steps with Youth to Prevent DUI. Proceedings of the 2006 Portal to New Worlds: Research Exposition.
2005Child passenger safety and the Immunity Fallacy: Why what we are doing is not working. Accident Analysis & Prevention.
2005What is television teaching its viewers? A cross-sectional analysis of risky behaviors on primetime television. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
2004Global disparities in child passenger safety practices and associated perceptions of risk. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology.
2004Global disparities in child passenger safety practices and associated perceptions of risk. Proceedings and abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
2004Increasing the safety of children's vehicle travel: From effective risk communication to behavior change. Journal of Safety Research.
2004Scared Straight or Scared Away? Social Validity of Fear Tactics in Child Safety Interventions. Proceedings and abstracts of the 2004 Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Washington, DC. Ed. Porter, B.
2001Can traditional clinical training make room for community psychology?. The Community Psychologist.
2001Promoting the proper use of child safety seats: A behavior-change agent approach. Proceedings and abstracts of the 52nd annual meeting of the Society for Public Health Education.
2000Behavioral observations find unsafe use of child safety seats. Behavior Analyst Digest.
2000Is primetime television a health and safety hazard? An analysis from a vicarious learning perspective.. The Virginia Psychologist, 44 (Summer).
2000Predicting red-light running behavior: A traffic safety study in three urban settings. Journal of Safety Research.
1999An everyday use of information processing theory: Sign and label design. Exploring Introductory Psychology: A reader and workbook. Ed. Chandler, H K. McGraw Hill Education-Lange .
1999Road rage and aggressive driving: An action plan to identify and reduce these risky driving behaviors. Proceedings and abstracts of the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association.
1998Attitudes toward psychology relative to other disciplines. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.
1996Through the intellectuals' eyes: A survey of college professors' attitudes towards psychology. The Old Dominion Undergraduate Review.
1995Through the intellectuals' eyes: A survey of college professors' attitudes towards psychology. 1995 National Conference of Undergraduate Research Program and Abstract Book.
full name
- Kelli J. England