Harrell, Paul T.

  • Director Of Behavioral Epidemiology And Pharmacology Laboratory, Pediatrics


  • Dr. Harrell received his Ph.D. in 2010 in Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience from the Department of Psychology at American University, followed by a fellowship in Drug Dependence Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In 2015, while at Moffitt Cancer Center, he was awarded a grant from the National Cancer Institute to enhance understanding of young adult vaping. Since then, he both collaborated in successful grant applications in his core area of tobacco research and led his own successful grant applications. He is currently working on a project with funds from the Center for the Study of Tobacco Products.

selected publications

research overview

  • Substance use is driven by a variety of factors, from "cells to society." Dr. Harrell's laboratory investigates a wide spectrum of these factors, from human behavioral pharmacology to cognition, affect, and sociocultural influences. Current research focuses on tobacco use and how to address e-cigarette use ("vaping"). Projects include examination of beliefs ("expectancies") about vaping as well as real-time laboratory assessment of responses to smoking and vaping.

preferred title

  • Director Of Behavioral Epidemiology And Pharmacology Laboratory

full name

  • Paul T. Harrell, PhD


Recent publications and grants in Researchers@EVMS